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How to Buy A Gym Divider Curtain

Purchasing a partition for your gym can be a confusing process.

Practice Sports is here to help simplify it for you.

First Determine Your Gym Curtain Dimensions

Maybe you’re replacing an existing gym curtain. Maybe you’ve decided that your gym needs a divider. Maybe you’re upgrading your existing walk draw gym curtain to a motorized curtain. No matter which of those 3 options you fit in to, you’re going to need to determine your dimensions. (Those dimensions don’t even have to be exact this early in the process. Just having a rough estimate of dimensions can get you a budget price, and will help determine whether your curtain can be motorized.)

Measuring out the length that your gym curtain will be is usually pretty straightforward, measuring the height can be a challenge if you don’t have a ladder, scaffolding, or a scissor lift handy.)

Pro Tip: Measure the blocks that make up your wall structure and count how many high they are to determine your gym partition height.

Motorized Curtain or Walk-Draw?

Motorized Gym Partition Installed in a Flat Roofed Gym

Motorized curtains fold up from the bottom and are stored near your ceiling. The curtain is operated by a key installed in the wall, or a push-button remote. They are typically far more expensive than walk-draw curtains.

Walk-draw curtains can be walked closed or open and are stored next to your existing wall structure

What You Need to Know For a Motorized Curtain
In order to get you a quote for a motorized curtain, there’s some information we’ll need to get about your gym.

Here’s what we, and you, need to know:

What are the dimensions of your curtain?
(Curtains over 25 feet tall typically need a larger winch to drive the curtain, and so are more expensive.)

What type of ceiling do you have?
Most ceilings fit into these categories:

  • Flat Bar Joists
  • I Beam
  • Peaked Roof
Motorized Curtain Installed in a Gym with a Peaked Roof

Which Direction Will Your Beams Run in Relation to your Curtain?
Will your beams run perpendicular to your curtain, or will they run parallel to your curtain?

If your beams will run parallel to the motorized gym divider, can we directly tie in to an existing beam? (If so, that can help save you some money.)

What You Need to Know For a Walk-Draw Curtain

Flat Manual Walk-Draw Curtain Installed in Gym with a Peaked Roof

Of course you’ll need to know the height and length of the curtain itself, but you’ll also need to know how long the track will need to be.

Oftentimes, the track will be longer than the curtain itself so that the dividing curtain can be stored against one wall.

You may also consider adding a radial to the track so that you can store the wall parallel to your existing walls.

Now What?

Now that you know what you need to know, you can plug your info into our Custom Gym Divider Curtain Calculator and receive an instant quote for walk-draws. For motorized curtains, we can typically get you a quote within one business day. (Sometimes additional information may be required. And photos of the site are always nice to have, particularly on tricky ceilings with lots of existing structure like ductwork or lights.)

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